Max Hammond

The Contrary World of Contronyms

calendar7 - 23 Jul 2022

Past Exhibition

Complex and layered both in approach and concept, Max Hammond’s show “The Contrary World of Contronyms” draws inspiration from a quirk in the English language that Hammond finds intriguing, the contronym.

Contronyms are words that are their own opposites, with two definitions that contradict each other, such as the word left: remained or departed. Hammond chose a unique contronym as a title for each painting in this latest exhibit.

Ever evolving, thoughtful and inspired, Hammond’s works employ gestural application of paint and intriguing color choices, often worked out and layered over long periods of time. Hammond’s works encourage viewers to participate to discover meaning, each person’s perspective reveals insights new and often intense. We invite you to immerse yourself in The Contrary World of Contronyms, where each painting may lead you in opposite directions, full of complexity and juxtaposition.

Learn More About the Artist



oil on wood
30" x 40"


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